Finished the rest of my layouts, and completely remade the prologue based off of feedback from class. I added two new shots to help clarify the importance of the crystals on the deer. I also changed the camera motion behind the arrow.

Finished the rest of my layouts, and completely remade the prologue based off of feedback from class. I added two new shots to help clarify the importance of the crystals on the deer. I also changed the camera motion behind the arrow.
Every shot is composited!!!!!!!! I am currently plugging them into final cut. just waiting on one last render to plug into the nuke...
I have done more compositing to act 1. Shot 1.01 is almost complete, just waiting on the rest to render to make sure the colors match.
We rendered out a large majority of our shots, because the animation came in. I also did some compositing for shot in the bridge...