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The rough cut incorporates all elements and effects, including sound design.

Fish SIm Material

Used Substance Painter to create the fish material used in a variety of sims, in combination with motion blur in Arnold.

Motion Blur
Clean Plate

Fish with material turntable.

Matte Paintings

Matte paintings that have been updated in the rough cut. Will continue to add atmosphere and color to the rocks.

2.04 Keyshot Render
2.04 Photoshop Painting

The foreground matte is painted and projected in Nuke. The chasm uses the wall painting from shot 2.07. It is projected on a card with displacement in Nuke.

2.05 Keyshot Render
2.06 Keyshot Render
2.05 Photoshop Painting
2.06 Photoshop Painting

© 2018 by The Fab5

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