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Writer: CamilleCamille

Here are all of the matte paintings for Act II: Shots 2.04 to 2.09.

All of the shots have been updated to match each other for color and have atmosphere added to them. 2.09 still has some work to be done, but the others are good to render.

Shot 2.04

* The majority of the atmosphere and chasm for shot 2.04 will be added by Brad in Nuke.

Shot 2.05

Shot 2.06

Shot 2.09

* This shot (2.09) still needs the most finessing to match the other shots.

Writer: CamilleCamille

This shot was the second one painted after 2.07. It needed the most updating to the rocks, color and atmosphere to match the other shots in this sequence.

Here was the progress at midterms:

Shot 2.09 Midterm Progress

Current version:

This shot still has work to be done, but is closer to matching the other shots.

- even out the atmosphere

- finesse color, patchy in some areas

Writer: CamilleCamille

Progression of shot 2.04 to the result that will be use in the final. Atmosphere was added and color was brought back in to the foreground so the shot would not be as monochromatic.

Starting shot

Atmosphere painted in

Color brought back in to the foreground

If time, some algae will be painted in the foreground, but only if time permits.


© 2018 by The Fab5

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